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The R-Control X is a round-shaped, low-balanced racket that incorporates 3D Hexcell Twill Aeronautical carbon reinforcement technology in the surface and frame of the racket to achieve greater durability and resistance. In the frame, it also incorporates the bi-directional 100% carbon double tubular. Designed for advanced level players, the core of the racket is made of polyethylene that provides a soft touch with excellent shock absorption that in combination with the carbon fiber of the surfaces of the racket will provide enormous power. On the surfaces it also has a rough layer to help generate greater spin to the ball and have more grip.
Player profile: Racket designed for advanced level players looking for a racket with a soft touch for their control game without losing power.
- Shape: Round
- Weight: 365-390 grams
- Rubber: Soft polyethylene
- Frame: 100% carbon
- Surface: Carbon fiber
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