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The LW Carbon 7 is a soft racket with a round format and a low balance perfect for players who want control in their game. It should be noted the Hexaforce reinforcement that includes at the heart of the racket to increase its rigidity and reduce vibrations to prevent injuries. This racket is composed of the Hypersoft EVA rubber, the hexagonal shaped carbon frame, two layers of 7 Rhombus carbon fiber and one layer of aluminized fiberglass at the surfaces with a carbon fiber reinforcement coated with a layer of titanium dioxide in the heart of the racket that will help to avoid elbow injuries. These materials give to the racket maximum durability and resistance. At a technological level, the Slice technology stands out, which is a new rough texture on the hitting surface made through the 3D screen printing system designed to help the player to produce a greater effect when hitting.
Player Profile: Racket designed for expert level players looking for a soft racket to gain control in their game.
- Circle shape
- Weight: 350 -375 grams
- Rubber: EVA Hypersoft medium hardness
- Frame: Carbon
- Surface: Carbon
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